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Presentation of the Microwave Electronics Research Laboratory "MERLab"


Our Laboratory was created in October 2018 under the code LR18ES43 and published in JORT N°164 of January 19, 2021, page 152. In reality, our activities date back to the year 2005 when we started our structure as a a Research Unit under the acronym CSEHF for High Frequency Electronic Circuit and System with the code UR13ES37. Our research activities progress dynamically and are closely aligned with scientific and technological developments.

Areas of research

  • Smart Antennas: 5G, IoT, Radar Satellites,
  • RFID systems,
  • Electromagnetic energy recovery,
  • Sensor networks: E-agriculture,
  • Use of new materials: Graphene, textile, etc.
  • Linearity of power amplifiers,
  • Electromagnetic modeling.

Expertise Areas

Analysis and synthesis of HF electronic circuits for medical, telecommunications and smart agriculture applications.


The laboratory's future strategy consists of collaborating with the industrial sector through the implementation of joint research projects. However, we will continue to collaborate with foreign laboratories in France, Canada, South Africa, Italy, Portugal and India with whom we maintain excellent relationships. Our strategy also consists of becoming more involved in the local industrial fabric. In this context, we signed an agreement in 2020: IT Tunisia Innovation.